
Brasilia 傢俱系列是在1962年的西雅圖世界博覽會推出。雖然廠商是美國 Broyhill 公司,但巴西利亞系列是代表巴西國家。這是因為巴西首都的獨特結構啟發了Brasilia傢俱系列的設計

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The Broyhill Brasilia furniture collection was launched in 1962 at the Seattle World Fair. Though Broyhill is an American manufacturer, the furniture line represented Brazil, as the design inspiration for the collection was based on the unique architecture found in its capitol city, Brasilia.

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而巴西利亞優異的都市規劃正是知名建築師奧斯卡·尼邁耶 (Oscar Niemeyer) 遠見下的設計。他最引人注目的作品是巴西利亞大教堂 (Brasilia Cathedral) ,擁有簡潔的線條和簡單的現代設計。Niemeyer的建築中脫穎而出的特色是採用雙曲面結構,如大教堂和它的拋物線列,這被認為代表了兩隻手向上走向天堂。由於獨特設計和規模宏大巴西利亞大教堂成為巴西利亞最知名的景點之一。


The city’s award-winning urban planning is a result of the singular vision of renowned German-Brazilian architect Oscar Niemeyer, who also designed the city’s landmark building, the Brasilia Cathedral. Besides his clean modern lines, Niemeyer’s works are also known for their use of hyperboloid structures, which in the parabolic columns of the Brasilia Cathedral are often described as “two hands pointing up towards the heavens.” 

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仔細觀察巴西利亞的建築,可以清楚地看到 Broyhill Brasilia的設計靈感來源。巴西利亞傢俱系列 1968 年就停止生產,所以很受到收藏家的喜愛

Broyhill Brasilia - Brochure  

When viewing the signature details in the furniture collection, the design influence of the Brasilia Cathedral and surrounding architecture is remarkable. The Broyhill Brasilia furniture line was in formal commercial production from its 1962 launch until only 1968 (though limited quantities were custom ordered through the early 70’s), making the Brasilia collection highly desirable among fine furniture collectors worldwide.


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