Folke-Ohlsson-DUX-5      Folke-Ohlsson-DUX-4      Bruno-Mathsson-3  對喜歡頂級北歐傢俱的人來說, 可能聽過DUX 這個品牌, 但對它的產品跟公司背景不是很清楚其中一個原因是因為其實有兩間DUX 公司, 一個在美國, 另一個在瑞典. 雖然是兩間不同的公司, 但他們不是沒有關係的.

There is often confusion among collectors regarding the historical background of furniture produced by DUX…this is because there are actually two different DUX furniture companies, with one based in Sweden and the other in the United States. Though the two are separate companies, they are not entirely unrelated to each other.

  DUX-logo-2a  DUX-logo-1  

瑞典的DUX (Duxiana) 公司是 Efraim Ljung 先生在1926年成立, 公司最有名的產品是他們的豪華床墊, 可是他們的家具也很受歡迎, 特別是瑞士建築師 Bruno Mathsson 的作品.

DUX-Mattress-1a    Bruno-Mathsson-2     

The Swedish company DUX (also known as Duxiana) was founded in 1926 by Efraim Ljung and is famous for their line of luxury beds -- their furniture collection is also highly-regarded worldwide, with designs by Swedish architect Bruno Mathsson especially in demand.


美國的 DUX 公司是設計師 Folke Ohlsson 1953年從瑞典移民到美國舊金山開始的. Folke Ohlsson 的爸爸 (Ernst Ohlsson) DUX 瑞典的員工, 也是DUX 瑞典Ljung 老闆的好朋友 (還有傳說DUX瑞典有投資DUX美國, 可是沒有正式公開).


The American DUX company was founded by Folke Ohlsson in 1953, when the designer first emigrated from Sweden to San Francisco (the company was later moved to Burlingame, CA). Folke’s father, Ernst Ohlsson, was an employee of DUX Sweden and a family friend of founder Efraim Ljung (it is believed that DUX Sweden invested in USA-based DUX, but this has never been officially confirmed).


不管是 DUX 美國或是DUX 瑞典出廠的傢俱, 都很受收藏家喜愛也越來越值錢, 特別是 Folke Ohlsson 或是 Bruno Mathsson 本人的作品. DUX 美國已經停產, 所以 Folke Ohlsson 的設計也越來越難收集(他的作品很難找到復刻版).


Authentic vintage pieces produced by either DUX company are coveted by MCM and Scandinavian furniture collectors, particularly designs attributed to either Folke Ohlsson or Bruno Mathsson (Ohlsson’s designs are no longer in production).


dux diamond table - 7

(The DUX "Diamond" side table w/ brass inserts by Folke Ohlsson)

Folke Ohlsson鑽石桌有獨特的六邊形狀, 桌面接桌腳還是用銅圈固定.



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