即便經過了五十年,Pollock CEO椅看起來彷彿像是昨天才被設計出來的作品;而且,相信再過五十年,它還是如此。大概就是因為這個原因,所以從1965年至今,Pollock CEO椅未曾停產過,它儼然已成為了經典。
Even after fifty years, the Pollock executive chair looks like it could have been designed only yesterday, and this trait will probably continue well into the foreseeable future. Maybe that’s why the design is universally regarded as a timeless classic and honored as such by being in continuous production since its commercial introduction in 1965 through this very day.
The only change to the chair by Knoll since its inception was the adoption of a five-star base in the early 1990’s which coincided with the availability of a pneumatic height adjustment option. The older four-legged version is more desirable to collectors, as they are harder to find in mint condition and are also often equipped with the superior metal ball-bearing casters compared to the cheaper plastic-looking wheels found on the majority of new models.
Knoll Pollock CEO椅唯一的改變是在1990年代早期,底座從四腳改成五腳,同時增加了氣壓式高度調整器的選項。蒐集者通常偏愛傳統的四腳椅版本,其中一個原因是因為傳統版本是裝設金屬滾輪而新的CEO椅大多則是裝設塑膠滾輪。
Pollock 行政辦公椅可在 Knoll 訂購各種材質和顏色,但在我看來,所有的款式都沒有比傳統黑色牛皮更經典的了。黑色非常能將 Pollock 行政辦公椅的經典特色:也就是發亮的鋁合金環將所有細節完美結合在一起的這項特色給彰顯出來。
The Pollock executive office chair can be custom ordered from Knoll in an endless variety of material, but in my humble opinion nothing beats the traditional black leather original look. Black really highlights the signature design feature of the Pollock executive chair: the single strip of polished aluminum “rim” that holds everything seamlessly together.
About the Designer: Charles Pollock (1930 - 2013)
"Designer Charles Pollock's 1960s executive chairs and side chairs represent some of the most iconic collaborations in Knoll's history. Philadelphia-born Pollock began his design education at Cass Technical High School in Detroit. He later won a scholarship to study at Pratt Institute from where he graduated in 1953. After serving in the United States Army for two years -- where he was art editor for INFANTRY Magazine -- Pollock worked with George Nelson at Herman Miller. In 1958 he left Nelson's office and seeded a fruitful relationship with Florence Knoll through to her retirement in 1965."
Quoted from Knoll website (http://www.knoll.com/knollnewsdetail/Remembering-Charles-Pollock)
設計師查爾斯·波洛克的20世紀60年代執行的椅子和側面的椅子代表了一些最具代表性的合作在山莊的歷史。費城出生的波洛克開始了他的設計教育卡斯技術高中在底特律。後來,他獲得了獎學金,在普拉特學院從那裡學習他畢業於1953年在美國軍隊中服役兩年後 - 他是美術編輯步兵雜誌 - 波洛克在赫爾曼·米勒曾與喬治·尼爾森在1958年,他離開了尼爾森的辦公室和接種佛羅倫薩諾爾通過卓有成效的合作關係她在1965年規劃組主管退休。